
Everyone’s journey to find personal growth or healing is different. I encourage you all to get curious about your own mental health and well-being. Doing the same thing will continue to get the same results… so… What are other people doing??? Not everything will suit everyone… but doing nothing also gets you nowhere.

Seeing a medical professional is advised if you are in crisis, but there are loads of ways to educate yourself alongside traditional therapy.

Approach new ideas with an open mind… what’s the worst that can happen? You will either learn something that helps or learn what doesn’t work for you… either way, you have learned something.

  • Read or listen to audiobooks.
  • Connect with other people to see what strategies they use.
  • Take opportunities to talk about your own mental health journey and encourage others to do the same. Listen without judgement.
  • Explore alternative therapies (breathwork, sound healing, yoga, exercise, etc)
  • Bring a mate or a small group out the Banks Creek Retreat and sit around a campfire for a day or two (The Campfire Philosophy) – it’s amazing what conversations happen around a campfire.

These are some resources that I have found useful in learning about my own mental health journey.

I listen to most books/podcasts via Audible while I am out driving. Most of the books can also be purchased in hard-copy if you prefer something physical.

The Resilience Project – Hugh van Cuylenberg

Johann Hari

Ekhart Tolle

Mark Manson